Schedule a Free Program Process Review

Schedule a Free Program Process Review

Manual processes can consume your time away from confidently knowing your program & research is on track. Schedule this free program process review to help improve your process and free up your time. The review includes:

  • Aligning your data gathering with federal reporting guidelines
  • Collecting data from all the team members
  • Open Data Compliance Processes
  • Asset/Document storage, backups, and transfer technologies
  • Team Collaboration & Communication Tools
  • Reporting Process Technology Review

Get your free review

We've seen people store data in all sorts of ways.  An hour conversation might yield big results for you!

What to expect when you're reporting

Here's a bit of what to expect

The first customer benefit

We'll talk about how you're collecting data

We know getting answers from people isn't always easy.  We have some techniques that could help.  Where spreadsheets work well is something people usually figure out a few years in.

The second customer benefit

We'll talk about about how to make sure you have all your requirements.

Getting all the requirements covered isn't always possible since they can change last minute.  We'll help you get as close as you can and be ready for the last minute switch up.

The third customer benefit

We'll talk about how you're storing your data.

One of the most common problems is a few years in having to find your old data.  We also have some backup techniques that could help.